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An observation into current state of the back alleys in Chinatown reveals the visual density of numerous elements. Visual clutter in the form of trash, air conditioning units, and general disorder renders the alleyway unwelcoming. Currently, these areas comprise services and back-of-house operations, such as deliveries and refuse disposal. The heat rejected by the outdoor units is perhaps the most conspicuous factor that contributed to the demise of the backalley. In addition to the back alley's temperature, odor, and sights, the area is dimly illuminated by sparse lantern posts. Before it can serve as a foundation for imagining any other scenario in which people will be enticed to remain longer than necessary, the unpleasantness caused by the current state of infrastructure planning must be eliminated. Technical resolution of the services alone is insufficient; urbanistic and architectural enhancements of varying degrees are required for the improvement to be successful. 


With the introduction of the flexible furniture to the main street, similar approach can also be implemented to the back alleys. With the consideration of "Heat Island Effect" that is occurring, "green" elements are applied along with the furniture such as tables and stools to cater the proposed active activities. With the additional elements, the backalleys begin to be activated as urban living rooms. In line with the activities of the adjacent  shophouses and main streets, during the day, the backalleys can still serve as service area with the enhancement of air quality through the green elements and pots that allow gardening activity. At night, the backalleys serve as points of rendezvous. Configuration of seating areas and landscaping. are also pliable for diffferent kinds of activities (Bar activities, chatting)

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